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The start of a journey

Diversity, equity and inclusion is vast and nuanced – this is the start of a collective journey for our community.

Since inception, we wanted to address diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).
Our industry – agencies, client side, and ourselves included – has some work to do to create safe and welcoming spaces where all creatives, copywriters, strategists, digital marketers, account managers and beyond, can thrive. An industry where the faces and voices in our ads, videos, podcasts; the people who craft the stories; the leaders who make big decisions; they look, sound, think, and represent the audiences we’re trying to connect with.

That’s our vision.

Our DEI vision

An equitable, inclusive marketing industry that reflects and values WA’s diversity.

Our guiding principles

Our guiding principles help us to do this work with the right approach and mindset.

  1. Nothing for them, without them – We elevate and collaborate with diverse voices.
  1. Learn from our mistakes – Be humble and transparent when we slip up, and share our learnings.
  1. Embrace baby steps – Celebrate small wins, but stay focused on the end goal.

DEI pillars

Our DEI pillars are like landmarks on the journey. Meeting these markers will be a sign that we are on the right track. They are not in any particular order, and the goal is to hit these markers many times on the way (it takes a multi-pronged approach for DEI to succeed). Without these, we don’t believe our roadmap will be meaningful, achievable or sustainable.

  • Create space for and value difference.
  • Increase representation across all levels and disciplines of our industry.
  • Design equitable systems, cultures, and organisations where everyone has an equal chance to thrive.
  • Foster an inclusive industry where all feel safe, respected, engaged, motivated, and valued for who they are and their contributions.

DEI roadmap stages

Our roadmap stages are like stepping stones, largely intended to be achieved chronologically. They function like DEI maturity levels for WAMA and align with our mission statement: WAMA is here to provide a space for people to connect, educate on industry best practice, and ultimately facilitate braver and more effective marketing practices. We added an extra stage – lead by example – to ensure we’re held accountable for meaningful change:

  • LEAD: Learn and lead by example, show a way forward.
  • CONNECT: Provide safe, inclusive spaces to connect
  • EDUCATE: Amplify and promote DEI best practices to our industry
  • FACILITATE: Facilitate brave and effective DEI marketing practices

Our DEI Roadmap

Presenting our DEI roadmap and three-year action plan! This is a living, breathing document, which means we will enhance the plan – and course correct if needed – as we grow on our DEI journey. You can see view it in more detail here.

Our DEI Report

Download our DEI Report to face the research head on and take considered action towards real change. It provides a critical benchmark for WA marketers to measure ongoing improvement and makes seven key recommendations, with a call out for long-term authentic commitment instead of tick-box initiatives.

WA Marketing DEI Report 2024

Our DEI Taskforce

Join our DEI Taskforce to help guide, develop and activate our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion roadmap. There’s much to be done in this space, and we need passionate proponents of positive DEI change in the Western Australian marketing community.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Journey

DEI Report Launch

In May 2024, WAMA and Edith Cowan University released a groundbreaking report that provides rich insight into the state of diversity and inclusion in the Western Australian (WA) marketing and commercially creative industries.

DEI Breakfast Event

On Thursday 23 March, we host our first breakfast panel on DEI in our industry with a killer panel! This is the beginning of a collective journey for our marketing community. Our goal is to leave you with an idea of the mindset and knowledge needed for your brand to take on diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as some practical first steps.

DEI Vision & Roadmap

We have established a DEI vision, roadmap, and three-year action plan. You can view it here. This is a living, breathing document, which means we will enhance the plan – and course correct if needed – as we grow on our DEI journey.

DEI Committee Member

We welcomed Tess Palmyre as our DEI committee member in 2022 to drive our initiatives in this space. She has been working on our DEI roadmap, a research partnership (more on that soon), as well as our first 2023 brekky on DEI.